To our yet-to-be customers:
If you've been looking for your perfect coffee shop to stop by routinely - look no further. We have modeled our cafe to look like the epitome of a coffee shop. Good selection of coffee, unique food, and even some comfy couches for you to sit on. We host a coffeehouse concert every Friday, where you and your band can come to play your music, or if you are a poet, you can reveal your latest masterpiece. We hope that you are interested and will come see what all the hubbub is about!
If you've been looking for your perfect coffee shop to stop by routinely - look no further. We have modeled our cafe to look like the epitome of a coffee shop. Good selection of coffee, unique food, and even some comfy couches for you to sit on. We host a coffeehouse concert every Friday, where you and your band can come to play your music, or if you are a poet, you can reveal your latest masterpiece. We hope that you are interested and will come see what all the hubbub is about!
Contact Us
8827 Centre Park Drive, Suite D
Columbia, MD 21045
(443) 546-4131
8827 Centre Park Drive, Suite D
Columbia, MD 21045
(443) 546-4131